Next is Put This On: Episode 1 - Denim. I saw this somewhere way back and just happened across it again on vimeo. The people of Put This On aim to teach men how to dress like grown-ups. If they get the funding, they'll make a six-episode series, apparently. Check it out and learn about jeans!
Fun weekend except for our horrific loss against Penn State.
Alrighty, some cool stuff coming up...
check out this cool tent thing from Apartment Therapy. Not sure what you'd do with it, because you can't actually camp in it. Oh well. If it were exceptionally nice outside or we emptied out the living room, I could see myself using this for something silly.
Next, for those of us who are woefully limited financially, here's a way to save a few bucks on Thanksgiving dinner - straight off the dollar menu!
Feeling under-the-weather today, folks. Let's hope it doesn't last!
Well, first up we've got this special video from behind the scenes of the December 2009 Arts issue of Vogue. It features Annie Leibovitz, Grace Coddington, Lady Gaga, and Cate Blanchett. (via Oh?) It's kind of like watching America's Next Top Model, but for real.
Next up is an awesome typography-based video via design work life. The first one is just entertaining. The second from War of the Worlds, the text is dynamic and animated to suit the audio accompaniment. Follow the link to the blog post - there are two more verrrry interesting typographical videos featured.
Ohhh my gaahhhh check out the Vimeo channel, Nice Type. It blowz mah mindz.
Next is this (IMO) inspiring portfolio site from Douglas Menezes. I love the background art and the composition of the content areas. Anyway, I suppose I just think it's clever.
I'm also kind of digging this blog - MissDIOR COUTURE. Not sure what it's about really - just some cool collages and photography of some fierce fashion.
Next up is the siiiccckkk photography of Bruno Dayan. Just a warning, the beginning of his portfolio site is definitely NSFW. But these photos are mind-blowing
Yes, I've been slacking - sigh. But life is currently blasting me with all kinds of crap (both good and bad.)
Kinda like this...
But I have plenty to be grateful for and the future is bright (despite the black eye.)
Anyway, a mish-mosh of stuff for today...
First up is this cool 8-bit sticky note video. I've always wanted to do this on a wall of somewhere I live, but the cost of sticky notes may not outweigh the potential awesomeness.
Today is a weird day, yeah? Here's to hoping something wonderful comes along... there are possibilities, methinks.
First up, check out this video from Malcolm Sutherland. He makes some seriously cool videos. Found via OK Great. I don't quite get it, but I definitely enjoyed it. I wonder where the music came from and how they got it to sync so well with the animation...