Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All I wanna do is be there for the things that you're goin' through

Hello all!

Yes, I've been slacking - sigh. But life is currently blasting me with all kinds of crap (both good and bad.)

Kinda like this...

But I have plenty to be grateful for and the future is bright (despite the black eye.)

Anyway, a mish-mosh of stuff for today...

First up is this cool 8-bit sticky note video. I've always wanted to do this on a wall of somewhere I live, but the cost of sticky notes may not outweigh the potential awesomeness.

Ich Bin 8-Bit installation timelapse from Jude Buffum on Vimeo.

Next up is this really cool photo. Plants as organs - wow! What a cool concept.

(via love all this.)

You're gonna love this. Here's some work by illustrator Lina Ekstrand. I am bonkers for her work. Every piece is sexy/stylish/dark and I love it....

(via simple blueprint like last week.)

That's all, folks! Maybe there will be another update tomorrow (granted I stop being a slacker...)

hehe... (via)


  1. We're studying the heart and lungs right now. I wish they were as pretty as the plants, in real life.
