Monday, February 22, 2010

Puttin' bodies in motion cuz I got the notion

Hi everybody!

How was your weekend? No complaints here, other than the snow-dump we received overnight. I know, I know, "quit complaining about the weather - you live in Michigan!" Well I think as a Michigander it's my natural-born right to complain as much as I want. I'm kind of stuck here.

First up is some art by Ryan Begglen. I came across this thanks to a friend. Some of these had me cracking up.

Those are the three funniest, IMO. Be sure to check out the rest of his portfolio!

Next up, I am really digging this chick Heather Patterson, who I spotted over on design for mankind. It's got wonky watercolors, geometry, sketchy drawing, triangles - everything I like! How about that?

Too cool, right? I liiiiike.

Ok, so this chair is hawt. Maybe the sexiest chair ever (in an obvious way...)

Lastly, this video is pretty cool, particularly the music. via share some candy.

That's it for today. Have a fun-filled evening!

Also, remind me not to ever try to update this using Chrome. It's super buggy.