Monday, February 8, 2010

Too many legs under the table. Too many reasons for trouble!

Sup y'all?

I had a pretty damn good weekend, if I do say so myself. I relaxed probably too much and definitely enjoyed taking in the Super Bowl in good company.

First up via swissmiss, this graphic just has me cracking up. I can relate, even though I am sadly not totally up on the typography.

I've found myself using Avenir for a lot of things lately, but apparently I need to look into Neutraface and Gotham.

I love love LOVE this most recent Missed Connection illustration. Mostly because this kind of connection could easily exist in my world.

Mostly I love the little creatures within the people kissing and getting entangled. *sigh* Adorable.

Next up, and I excuse me for not remembering where I found this, is some crazy art - "Strange Worlds" by Matthew Albanese. He creates and photographs hyper-realistic landscapes out of everyday materials. Hard to believe these aren't the real thing!

Finally, in this lovely post from Oh? ... this photo captures my views on love almost perfectly.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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